Rainbow Warrior
Matauri-Bay - Crew
The 1985 'Rainbow Warrior' crew. Clockwise, starting from bottom left: Bene Hoffman, Second Mate, Germany, Davey Edwards, Chief Engineer, UK, Nathalie Thomas Mestre, Cook, Switzerland, Lloyd Anderson, Radio Operator, Fernando Pereira, Hanne Sorensen, Bunny McDiarmid, Deckhand, New Zealand, Peter Willcox, Skipper, USA, Martini Gotje, First Mate, The Netherlands, in front of Martini, girlfriend of crew member Andy Biederman, Doctor, Switzerland (not present in the group shot), Hanne Sorensen, Second Engineer, Denmark, New Zealand journalist David Robie, sitting from left: Grace O'Sullivan, Deckhand, Ireland; Marshallese traveller; Henk Haazen, Third Engineer, The Netherlands; Marshallese traveller.
CameraDeutschEnglishImpressNewsConcept, design and realization by Kubikfoto³ GmbH, Bremen, Germany